Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where to begin ?

Where to begin ? As in every story, the beginning seems a good spot. But where is it ?

It's difficult to pinpoint when our family made the decision to rid ourselves of our worldly possessions and to travel half way around the world to start a new life in Singapore. I'd say the idea first got its wings in October 2009, when we started investigating overseas teaching opportunities in Europe. That investigation led us to the Overseas Teacher Recruitment Fair at Queen's University in Kingston. Ontario in February, 2010. It was there that we were hired by Dr. Glen Odland of the Canadian International School of Singapore and the direction of our lives took a dramatic change. So why the change ? We could have easily continued to live our very comfortable and predictable lives in St. Thomas, Ontario but our adventurous spirit was calling us and we felt that there was no time like the present to explore the world.

Please check in every once in a while and be prepared to laugh and quite possibly be perplexed at our stories and experiences during our time in South-East Asia.

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